Top 3 Myths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

Top 3 Myths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

There are a ton of myths about therapy in the black community including statements like that stuff doesn't work, why you gonna tell someone your business, you crazy or something, what happens in the family stays in the family or snitches get stitches and so much more.  Doing something different from others in your community or family, like counseling is a big deal and I commend you for even taking the step to consider therapy.  You have the power to change your life for the better and do more.  If you believe that therapy can help you deal with some of your stuff and learn some skills to improve, then why not? It’s about you and not about anyone else.  It’s not always easy to go against the grain, but it’s worth it.  

3 Myths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

Myth #1 about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

Therapy is not going to work, you’re not going to learn anything and it’s a waste of time.  Well, the truth is therapy progress is based on two things primarily including relationship with the therapist and your willingness to do the work.  There are studies that show that therapeutic relationship is one of the key factors that determine progress in treatment, so if you’re not feeling or vibing with your therapist, then you should have a discussion to understand how to improve this, work to improve the relationship, or find a new therapist.  You also have to be willing to do the work.  The therapist is just there to give you the tools and help you process, but you have to do the work.  You have to put the effort in, practice and work on your goals outside of treatment, and implement the tools given by your therapist.  

Myth #2 about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

Therapy is telling people your business.  What happens in the family, stays in the family or in the community or wherever.  Um, no.  This mentality and idea is one of the concerns in our community.  This no snitching, holding secrets jargon has to stop.  We have to start to have the conversation to end the stigma in our communities. Not talking, this snitch mentality, these keeping the business or information in house is the reason why our community is in the situation that it is now.  We are not having the conversation whether among ourselves or with the professionals that can help us.  Start the conversation and get the help you need.  Free your mind, the next generation, and your bloodline from this myth of secret keeping no progress negative stigma that will continue to hold us back unless we start the conversation and get help for our stuff.

Myth #3 about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

Therapy is for crazy people. You crazy or something, that’s why you’re going to therapy?  Really people.  That’s why myth 2 is important because if we start to have the conversation, we can start to end the stigma and normalize mental health symptoms and go to therapy to get help.  Like seriously, what is “crazy” anyway?  Everyone struggles with some form of mental health or emotional stuff sometimes so let’s not act like it’s so far off.  The issue is that we’re not talking about it. It’s the secret that’s out, but nobody is talking about it.  Mental health is real.  Going to therapy is normal and healthy. Not getting help and not communicating about what’s going on within ourselves, families, and communities is unhealthy and gets us nowhere fast. 

There are many myths about therapy with Black Therapist NJ.  I hope this article was able to dispel some of these myths, remove some negative stigma, and encourage you to get the help needed by finding the right Black Therapist NJ for you who will suit your needs.  If you need help and feel stuck, feel free to call me at 856.441.5216.  I will be happy to help direct to someone who may be able to help.  If you’re looking for a black therapist who specializes in trauma, depression, and anxiety, you can read more on how I can help here.

Rosana Lamontagne, LPC

Rosana Lamontagne is a black therapist in NJ, an approved clinical supervisor, and licensed professional counselor. Ms. Lamontagne has 20 years of clinical psychotherapy experience. She specializes in trauma counseling and bariatric psychological evaluations.

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