The Top 3 Truths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

The Top 3 Truths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ

There are so many myths and truths about therapy. Both keep people out of getting help. The myths are like urban legends and people get scared to even start or say the word therapy. The truth, well it hurts and some people aren’t ready to face the reality that they may need help.

Truth #1: Therapy is Inclusive | Black Therapist NJ

Therapy is for everyone.  There are times in our lives when there is a need for help.  This can look different for everyone. For some people it’s to deal with childhood trauma, recent trauma, grief and loss, and various types of issues.  Therapy is not designated for any single group, yet inclusive for everyone.  You can find therapists that specialize in just about anything.  You can find therapists from specific backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, races, speak various languages, sexuality, and more.  It’s important not to count yourself out when it comes to treatment.  

Truth #2: Therapy is Affordable | Black Therapist NJ

Whatever your budget is, there is a therapist out there for you.  From low income to big spender, therapy prices can range.  Most people don’t even realize that mental health services are covered under most insurances.  Some community therapy centers and private practice therapy locations offer sliding scale based on your income and a few even offer pro bono cases. 

Think about how much you may spend on an outfit you love, those new sneakers or the luxury handbag. Going out to eat or hanging out with friends often can add up.  What if you cut back on some of those things and invested in your mental health.  It could really take you far.  You’re worth the investment.

Truth #3: Therapy is Versatile | Black Therapist NJ

Therapy can be versatile.  What does this mean?  It can be in an office, online video, there’s walk and talk therapy, and even in-home therapy.  Not only that, there’s all types of therapy out there, it’s not the lay on the couch and tell me about your childhood type deal like you see on t.v.  There are so many different strategies like art therapy, dance therapy, trauma-focused yoga, play therapy, family therapy, equine therapy (with horses), pet therapy, and so much more.  Those days of laying on the couch are numbered.  As the times changed, so have the strategies and creativity when it comes to therapy.  You can find a therapist that can help you improve your mental health in conventional ways.  At the end of the day, all roads lead to Rome, right?!  

There are so many good things about therapy including working with a black therapist in NJ.  I hope this article helped you learn some truths about therapy and encourage you to get the help needed by finding the right Black Therapist NJ who will suit your needs.  If you need help and feel stuck, feel free to call me at 856.441.5216.  I will be happy to help direct to someone who may be able to help.  If you’re looking for a black therapist NJ who specializes in trauma, depression, and anxiety, you can read more on how I can help here.

Rosana Lamontagne, LPC

Rosana Lamontagne is a black therapist in NJ, an approved clinical supervisor, and licensed professional counselor. Ms. Lamontagne has 20 years of clinical psychotherapy experience. She specializes in trauma counseling and bariatric psychological evaluations.

Coping Skills for Depression | Black Therapist NJ


Top 3 Myths about Therapy | Black Therapist NJ