What is a Bariatric Surgery Psychological Evaluation and Why Are You Required to Complete One?

Bariatric Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

The Bariatric Evaluation is required by insurance companies and by your surgeon’s office prior to getting bariatric surgery.

The Bariatric Evaluation is to determine if you are suitable mentally, emotionally, understand what the surgery entails and the lifestyle changes that come following bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery are weight loss surgeries including lap band, stomach stapling, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or v-bloc surgery.

This is important because bariatric surgeries require lifestyle changes and not understanding, committing to, or mentally or emotionally being able to comply with these changes can be a detriment to your health and wellness.

In order to be approved for bariatric surgery you will need to undergo a series of classes and services including a bariatric surgery psychological evaluation.

Some people get super nervous thinking about visiting a therapist for a psychological evaluation, but I would like to ease your anxiety.

The bariatric surgery psychological evaluation is usually about one hour. In my next article, I will detail what bariatric evaluations usually entails.

It is more beneficial for you to have your bariatric surgery psychological evaluation completed by a licensed mental health therapist who has experience or certified to treat and evaluate for bariatric surgery.

This is helpful for you to gain appropriate recommendations for pre and post bariatric surgery care and someone whose expertise is in your area of need.

So here’s a recap, the bariatric evaluation is required prior to some weight loss surgeries by insurance companies and surgeons/medical offices.

It is to assure that you are an appropriate candidate for weight loss surgery including maintaining results, caring for your health, complying with recommendations, and mentally and emotionally stable to cope with the lifestyle changes.

If you reside in New Jersey and seeking a bariatric evaluation, I can complete the evaluation for you. I am a certified bariatric counselor and a licensed professional counselor. You can receive your bariatric evaluations via online video counseling for your convenience. It is all 100% secure. For more information, you can give me a call directly, email me, or schedule your appointment straight from my website. We offer same week appointments and your evaluation results can get sent to your doctor the next business day.

I wish you all the best in health and wellness!

Rosana Lamontagne, LPC

Rosana Lamontagne is a black therapist in NJ, an approved clinical supervisor, and licensed professional counselor. Ms. Lamontagne has 20 years of clinical psychotherapy experience. She specializes in trauma counseling and bariatric psychological evaluations.


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