What To Expect From Counseling, Therapy, and Psychotherapy NJ

What To Expect From Counseling, Therapy, and Psychotherapy in NJ

We need to first understand what counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy are. According to the Oxford dictionary counseling is “the provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional.”  These are fancy words saying it’s talking to a mental health professional to assist you with personal or mental health problems.

Now that you’ve found a few mental health therapists in Sewell, NJ; you probably have many questions.  This is totally normal.  I will do my best to answer some common questions clients have when seeking therapy. 

The journey to muster up the courage to even admit to yourself that you need counseling takes a lot.  Then to actually look for a counselor can be nerve-wracking.  Once you find a few you seek to see who really gets you and feels right for you. It’s a whole process.  I’m super proud of you for embarking on this journey of wellness to take care of yourself and make improvements.  Kudos to you!

Questions from clients regarding what to expect from counseling, therapy, or psychotherapy

How long are sessions usually and how often?  This depends on the therapist and their style.  Most sessions are typically 45-50 minutes.  Many sessions see clients on a weekly basis and some on a biweekly basis. 

Do you take health insurance? This is definitely the question we hear the most?  While many therapists do accept health insurance some don’t.  This is definitely a question to ask first especially if this is important to you and you know you are not willing to see someone outside of your insurance.  Some therapists offer a superbill to have some or all of your session fee paid by your insurance.  If this is something that you’re interested in, definitely call your insurance prior to your session appointment to find out if they accept out-of-network providers and if they do, how much do they reimburse, and what form of documentation they will need to reimburse you.

Do you have weekend or evening appointments available?   Some therapists have evening appointments to accommodate client’s busy schedule.  There are very few therapists that offer weekend appointments, but they are some out there.

Are sessions offered in the office or via video counseling? 2020 brought so many changes to the counseling industry.  A big one is telehealth or online video counseling.  Many therapists offer both and some now have found for safety and client convenience that offering online video counseling works just as well as in-office sessions. Online video counseling makes it more convenient due to no traveling required, fit it in your schedule (I have many patients that engage in video counseling in their car during their lunch break), and in the comfort of your own space.  There is no longer a need to rush for a session, being late, getting stuck in traffic, or other excuses.  All online video counseling should be offered on a secure online portal.  

What if therapy isn’t working or I’m not feeling connected to my therapist? Studies have shown that the key to progressing in treatment is the client-therapist relationship.  It would be suggested that you bring it up to your therapist.  Sometimes providing that feedback helps the therapeutic relationship and the therapist can adjust their style, approach, or treatment used.  Other times, to be honest, you may just not vibe with the therapist and they can provide you with someone in your area that may be a better fit.  Therapists are professional and this can sometimes be a part of therapy at the end of the day, it’s about you feeling comfortable and getting the help you need for self-improvement.

Can I receive counseling if I live outside of the state where the therapist practices? The therapist must be licensed in the state you reside in order to practice there.  It’s important to ask because some therapists are licensed in multiple states. 
What device can I use for online video counseling? In most cases, any device that can connect to the internet like a cell phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, you name it.  It’s recommended that about 30 minutes or so prior to the session you should make sure that you have internet access or have downloaded whatever app (if applicable) to make sure you’re prepared for your appointment.  

If I don’t have access to the internet, can I still do video counseling? Unfortunately, in order to engage in online video counseling, you will need internet access.  There are some therapists that provide therapy over the phone if you feel comfortable with that. Please note that telephone therapy may not be secure.

How long does therapy last?

There are various factors that contribute to the length of therapy, so it can be challenging to predict.  Most therapists do a treatment plan with their clients within the first few sessions, which determine how often you review your progress in treatment every few months or so.  Typically clients commit to therapy for 6 months and progress is measured quarterly.  It all depends on the individual and their circumstances, therefore there is no concrete answer to this question without knowing or understanding your treatment needs. 

What should I expect for my first therapy session?

The first session typically includes reviewing important paperwork like HIPAA, Consent for Treatment, Rules of Confidentiality, and responding to emergencies, etc.  Some first therapy sessions may include the intake process where the therapist gathers background information to get to know you better and understand your needs.  The first few therapy sessions are really about relationship building, understanding your therapeutic needs, and developing your treatment goals.  

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in NJ that will suit your needs. If you’re feeling stuck, feel free to give me a call at 856.441.5216. I will be happy to assist you and help direct you to the right person. If you’re looking for help with trauma therapy, managing depression, or anxiety, you can read more about how I can help here.

Rosana Lamontagne, LPC

Rosana Lamontagne is a black therapist in NJ, an approved clinical supervisor, and licensed professional counselor. Ms. Lamontagne has 20 years of clinical psychotherapy experience. She specializes in trauma counseling and bariatric psychological evaluations.


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