Fentanyl Crisis: Drugs Disguised As Candy | Black Therapist NJ
There is a crisis among us where our children, communities, and youth are being targeted and dying. Brightly colored Fetanyl looks like "smarties and powder" candy causes high amounts of deaths in young children. Of over 100K deaths last year from fetanyl, 66% percent of them was from synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Let's protect each other and our children.
Fentanyl affects everyone. Countless adults are dying from fentanyl, but it’s also affecting our youth. Don't be afraid to talk to your children about this, about drugs in general, and how to keep themselves safe. Remember if you don’t talk to your kids about drugs someone else will and that won’t be the type of conversation that you’d approve.
Watch the video below to learn more information and facts about the Fentanyl Crisis and its effects in our communities.
If you're struggling with substance abuse and mental health. Visit our webpage for a free consultation or referral. www.4thandgrovecounseling.com